In Memory Of Larry Ferguson
Larry Ferguson died peacefully at his home early Sunday morning, April 28, 2013, after a 10-year battle with cervical chordoma.
Anyone who knew Larry knew that he was in a class of his own, intellectually, creatively, and as a generous and principled human being. We all will miss him deeply.
We here at Ferguson & Widmayer, P.C. want to thank everyone for the outpouring of condolences. Clearly, Larry touched and influenced a lot of people in many ways.
Larry's family asks that in lieu of other expressions, contributions be made in memory of Larry to:
Cancer Support Community of Greater Ann Arbor
2010 Hogback Road, Suite 3
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
(Larry helped to establish this organization.)
Ferguson Widmayer & Clark , PC continues to operate as an independent law firm serving Larry's clients and covering the same areas of practice. For more information, please contact the co-founder of the firm, Warren Widmayer, at (734) 662-0222 or