In Memory Of Walter B. Ranney
Walt died September 25, 2017. He had been quietly and valiantly battling cancer for two years while continuing to practice law until a few months before his death.
Walt was a gracious, gentle, thoughtful, funny, and principled man who helped hundreds of clients navigate legal issues during his career in real estate, estate planning and probate law. He was our good friend and a loving and devoted husband, stepfather and grandfather to his family. We all are very sad to have lost him at such a young age.
We extend our sincere thanks for all the thoughtful condolences and expressions of appreciation we have received.
Walt’s wife Joyce asks that in lieu of other expressions, contributions be made in memory of Walt to Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, P.O. Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009, referencing Hurricane Response.
Read Walt’s obituary here:
Ferguson Widmayer & Clark PC continues to serve Walt's clients when their needs are within the scope of our practice. For more information, please contact Warren Widmayer at (734) 662-0222 or